Reports & documents
Annual accounts
Our annual accounts provide a summary of the organisation’s activity each year. It also includes our financial statements.
Customer reports
Our annual customer reports detail what we have delivered for our customers. It also explains how your feedback is used to shape what we do.
Customer charters
Our Customer charters sets out in straightforward terms the high level of service you can expect from us.
Publishing our spend
Our quarterly reports provide details of all expenditure over £500 on grant funded affordable housing schemes.
Annual Complaints and Service Improvement Report
This report shows how we performed against our complaint targets, the types of complaints we received and what we have learnt and improved as a result.
LGAH Board response to the Annual Complaint and Service Improvement Report
Our board have reviewed our performance in complaint management and have provided a response on their reflections.
Housing Ombudsman
As a member of the Housing Ombudsman Service, we complete an annual self-assessment against their Complaint Handling Code.
Sustainability and Impact
This report shows how we aim to achieve our vision of enabling residents to live healthy, happy and sustainable lives.